NSW Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs)

Industry Training Advisory Bodies are key contacts for critical advice and assistance to the NSW Department of Education and Community (DEC) on the operations of the vocational education and training needs in NSW. The NSW Government funds NSW Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs), Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) and other organisations to provide independent, representative advice to the NSW Government on:

They also assist in the identification and validation of business intelligence and research on the skill development and training priorities of industry, and actively promote the benefits and opportunities of vocational education and training to industry. The funded organisations cover the major industry areas active in the State and board members represent significant enterprise, employer and union stakeholders of the industry and its various sectors.

Industry advisory bodies are funded under an annual Performance and Funding Agreement managed by Industry Initiatives, State Training Services. These funds are used by the organisations to provide advice and support to the Department on:

For further information contact NSW DEC.