This website provides information for employers, careers advisors, case managers, job seekers and all those people interested in work and training opportunities. Start by clicking on the industry that interests you most, then choose the tab that best describes you. You’ll find information about each industry along with pointers to the latest job opportunities, vocational education requirements and a guide to training providers. ACFIPS is a not-for-profit organisation funded by Training Services NSW Department of Industry and specific grants from other government agencies.

Which school subjects should you choose?

These flyers are suitable for both school-based apprenticeships or post-school apprenticeships. Each flyer sets out a possible career path for the student and then suggests the elective subjects that will make that career path possible. The subject lists cover choices in years 9 & 10 and 11 & 12. The flyers are designed to make sourcing information easy for careers advisers too. Each flyer features a strong, identifiable image that indicates each type of apprenticeship. Laid out side by side, comparisons between subject choices are simple. You will also find more information about careers under the Traineeships tab (scroll up).



Notice of Annual General Meeting

The ACFIPS AGM will be held at 12 noon on Tuesday, 3 December, 2024. The venue is the City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney.

All members of ACFIPS Ltd (ABN 55 074 207 784) are invited to attend the AGM.

This is an important event on the ACFIPS's calendar and form a key part of the ITAB's communications with its members.

To obtain the 2024 Annual Report, the 2023 AGM minutes, a proxy form or a notice of meeting please contact

If you are unable to attend the meeting, you are encouraged to complete and return a proxy form to or PO Box 985, Newport Beach, NSW, 2106.