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Snapshot February 2022

28/02/2022  Article Category: Normal Articles
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A ‘see it a glance’ look at what’s happening in the ACFIPS industry sectors plus government and conference news.
Scroll down to find what interests you.



Extended performing arts package
This package provides financial support to relaunch the performing arts sector in line with the NSW Government roadmap to recovery. The package has been extended to 30 April 2022.  Find out more


Small business support program
The 2022 Small Business Support Program will help businesses with cash flow, expenses and staffing costs. To be eligible, your business must have a $75,000 to $50 million turnover and show evidence of a decline in turnover of 40% or more in January 2022. You'll also need to have had a 40% or more decline in turnover from 1 to 14 February 2022. Businesses with employees can receive 20% of weekly payroll as a lump sum for the month of February, with a minimum payment of $750 per week and a maximum payment of $5,000 per week. And sole traders or businesses without employees can receive $500 per week. Find out more


Expanded small business fees and charges rebate
The NSW Government is increasing its small business fees and charges rebate from $2,000 to $3,000. Eligible small businesses with employees can use the rebate against 50% of the cost of rapid antigen tests from late March. Find out more


Stay NSW Vouchers
Once registered, accommodation providers can also automatically accept the Parents NSW vouchers as well. From February, one person from each eligible household can apply for the Parents NSW vouchers consisting of 5 x $50 vouchers ($250 in total) to be used at registered Discover NSW businesses and Stay NSW businesses for entertainment and recreation activities and accommodation bookings up to 9 October 2022. Click here for more information. NSW residents over 18 years of age can apply for a $50 accommodation voucher. Dine & Discover vouchers are still available with 6 x $25 per NSW resident to be spent to support participating dining, arts and recreation businesses. The Dine & Discover vouchers can be used until 30 June 2022.



Regional Youth initiative
Applications are open for the $10.4 million Children and Young People Wellbeing Recovery Initiative. This is funded through the NSW COVID-19 Economic Recovery Initiative and NSW and Commonwealth governments flood and storm disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. The initiative is centered on improving access to programs and resources to help young people recover, build resilience, strengthen community networks and improve mental health and wellbeing within affected regional communities. There are three grant programs included in the initiative: 
· Large grants of $10,000 to $50,000 for storm and flood affected regions (open until 31 December 2022),
· Large grants of $10,000 to $50,000 for Regional NSW (open until 31 December 2022) 
· Small grants under $10,000 for regional NSW ((open until 31 March 2023). 
Programs that may be eligible for funding include community events and social activities, sport and recreational programs, cultural and community connection programs, and peer support programs, mentoring and training for children and young people. Click here for further information.


Get Back In The Game program extension
Due to the success of the previously named Regional VET Pathways and EPPP RVP programs, funding has been extended to June 2024 for the newly combined and expanded Get Back in the Game (GBIG) program. Grant applications open 21 February and close 20 March 2022 with the program ready to commence in April 2022. The program will deliver services to support young people, aged 15 to 19, disengaged from education and training and struggling to make effective transitions into sustainable employment, to re-engage in education and training and support their transitions to employment. GBIG service providers will deliver industry grounded career and transition advice, mentoring and brokerage of transitions of disengaged young people into education, training and/or employment. The program will be managed locally by one lead provider per region — although consortium applications are welcomed. The program will operate across 14 regions and 144 schools. Click here for more information.


NSW Training Awards
Don’t forget to get your application in for the 2022 NSW Training Awards. Nominations from outstanding individuals, employers and training organisations across 12 categories in the VET sector are being sought for the annual awards and entries close on 18 March 2022.  Local VET promotional Committees are also starting to plan their regional Training Awards events and are seeking sponsors and community support. 


Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians
Round 4 of VET scholarships worth up to $13,000 are open for applications until Friday 11 March. In NSW the scholarships are available in Grafton (including Coffs Harbour) and Gosford. Applications are for Certificate III to Advanced Diploma in targeted occupations identified in projected growth industries and in-demand occupations within each region. These include tour guide, hair or beauty salon assistant, and a range of sport and recreation coaches and guides. Scholarship recipients are eligible for up to $5,000 per year for up to two years with an additional $3000 for completing a 20 -day paid internship and host employers will receive $1,500 per intern hosted. This is part of the Australian Government’s $585 million Skills Package, Delivering Skills for Today and Tomorrow. Click here for more information.


Youth Jobs PaTH program opportunities
This is aimed at employers and young job seekers. Youth Jobs PaTH helps prepare young people aged 15-24 with the right skills, so that they are job ready for an industry employer. Youth Jobs PaTH also helps employers find and recruit the right young person for their business. It allows the employer to trial a young person in the workplace (through a 4 to 12-week internship) and receive a wage subsidy of up to $10,000 if that young person goes on to be hired by the employer. The program provides Employability Skills Training to equip young people for work and help them understand the expectations of employers. The training helps ensure that the young candidates have vital skills such as presentation, communication and teamwork as well as training tailored to specific industry or employer needs. Click here for more information.


The Boosting Apprenticeship Commencement Incentive Program
Apprenticeships and Traineeships wage subsidy through the Commonwealth’s Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) incentive program ends 31 March. If you are considering taking on a new apprentice or trainee to boost your business talk to your apprenticeship centre now to recruit and enrolled before the cutoff date of 31 March 2022. Your business may be eligible for up to 50% wage subsidy for the first year for taking on a new apprentice or trainee under this program. Contact your Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider.



NCVER report on the online delivery of VET during the pandemic
The report provides insights into the RTO experience in the rapid transition to online delivery in response to the pandemic, and how this might shape online VET delivery in the future. The NCVER RTO survey results show that 61.8% of RTOs surveyed intend to use more blended online and face-to-face learning in the future, and 22.1% are likely to permanently shift more units or parts of qualifications online. The shift to online presented both challenges and opportunities for RTOs. Those training courses with a high proportion of practical components were particularly challenging to shift online, with many RTOs transitioning theoretical components online and delaying the practical elements. Get the NCVER report on the online delivery of VET during the COVID-19 pandemic (Part 2).


NCVER VET Student Outcomes 2021 report
Key findings include higher proportions of students had improved employment status after training comparing 2020 results with 2021 whether full qualification, short course or subject only completers and part completers. Click here for the full report.


Final Industry Clusters Industry Briefing
Registration is open for the third and final briefing to be held on Thursday 3 March at 2pm. Click here to register. The briefing will provide information on the funding model, next steps, timeframe, FAQ and panel Q&A. 



TAE update
Phase 1 consultations on the TAE update have concluded and Phase 2 consultations (based on specialist project working group feedback sessions and individual/group interviews) are being conducted across February and March. Draft 1 will be available for public review from 24 March. Draft 2 will be available for public validation from 10 June. Stakeholders are invites to provide feedback via the Living Issues Register accessed through this survey link, or by email at



ITECA – Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia Conference. 2 & 3 June 2022 
The ITEC22 Conference is all about understanding the opportunities and the innovative approaches required to position independent higher education and vocational training providers for growth. Be sure to register your team  and take advantage of the early bird discounts that are available.


2022 Skills Conference
Wednesday 15 June 2022, Dockside Darling Harbour, Sydney
Registrations are now open. Early bird rates available. Discounts for bulk registrations of five or more from the one organisation. Find out more


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