Skill Sets

A Concise Alternative

Skill Sets provide an innovative and respected alternative for industry to a Training Package qualification.

Industry and regulatory needs can be met through the development and use of Skill Sets.

The implementation of Skill Sets provides RTOs with an opportunity to engage small, medium and large enterprises in training programs that may have been ignored for a number of reasons in the past; such as time sensitivities, arduous paperwork requirements or the requirement to undertake unnecessary training to achieve a qualification.

Industry can take the lead in shaping Skill Sets that add value on a national scale. By working through the appropriate mechanisms, industry can ensure a concise training option exists to guide participants through critical skill requirements and/or legislative requirements.

Industry training requirements will be well served when industry (through ISCs and other appropriate voices) is proactive in shaping the development of Skill Sets. Industry consultation and validation are paramount to the successful application of Skill Sets and in ensuring ownership by industry of Skill Sets.

Skill Sets are not designed to replace qualifications. They provide an alternative to qualifications that in many cases may help a participant to create a pathway to a qualification.

What are Skill Sets?

Skill Sets are defined as single units of competency or combinations of units of competency from a nationally endorsed Training Package, which link to a licence or regulatory requirement, or a defined industry need. Units of competency that form a Skill Set can be drawn from one or more Training Packages.

RTOs have been identifying combinations of units of competency to meet specific enterprise or individual needs for many years. Training Package Skill Sets are a new way of formally recognising these small chunks of skills, as agreed to by industry.

Skill Sets for RTOs

It is important to fully explain the range of training options which could suit client needs as clients may require a Skill Set or a qualification.

Due to the nature of some industries, staff cannot always commit to extensive training programs and not everyone desires or needs a qualification.

Skill Sets can:

assist by recognising skill acquisition through training where no qualification has been attained

add validity and national portability to training programs

may form the foundation for a qualification with a defined exit point if required

address a specific workforce skills need.

How to promote and deliver Skill Sets

Skill Sets can provide RTOs an opportunity to develop relationships with potential clients based on a direct industry need. Identification and communication of appropriate Skill Sets can be a unique method for RTOs to promote the value of Nationally Recognised Training to a range of industries.

Skill Sets can provide a valuable addition to organisations whose clients are currently undertaking full VET qualifications. Skill Sets in these cases may be applied to add on to current Certificates or utilised for employees who do not fit the appropriate criteria to undertake a full qualification.

The following pages provide examples of Skill Sets from the BSB07 Business Services Training Package and examples of potential application with industry.

Skill Sets, like qualifications, still require RTOs to develop training and assessment strategies that are compliant with AQTF standards. Skill Sets also require RTOs to be imaginative and develop training and assessment programs that impact positively on the development of the learner and also add value to the learner’s organisation.

Many RTOs currently deliver short course training that has been created to meet industry needs. Skill Sets can provide a formal option for mapping these short courses to nationally recognised and transportable units.

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Community Broadcasting Administration
Community Broadcasting Committee Management
Community Broadcasting Coordination
Community Broadcasting Financial Management
Community Broadcasting Management
Community Broadcasting Marketing
Community Broadcasting Program Management
Music Tutor Skill Set
Photographic Make-up and Styling Skill Set
Technical/Scientific Field-Based Photoimaging Skill Set